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Brief Introduction for Department of Archival Science

author: edit:zyz Source of manuscripts: Release time:2019-01-07 Reading volume:

Brief Introduction for Department of Archival Science    


Department of Archival Science wasfounded byDepartmentofHistory in 1987 in Hubei University. Its a key discipline in the university. With more than 200 current students, Department of Archival Science focuses on full-time undergraduate teaching with the second level discipline of master station and PhD orientation for related disciplines. Teaching of Department of Archival Science has widespread influence in the country. Students from the department work in organizations such as the General Office of the CCP CentralCommittee, Information Center of the State Council, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Agriculture, the National Audit Office, Changjiang Water Resources Commission as well as someinstitutions of tertiary education,military archives, large-scale enterprises and public organizations and institutions.  

The department is the member of the Education Committee of Archives Discipline of  National Ministry of Education, the group member unit of China Archives Society, the governing unit of China Archives Society, Vice chairman unit of Hubei Provincial Archives Society as well as Vice chairman unit of Wuhan Archives Society. Itplays an important role in the Archives academic research in both national and provincial wide. Feature direction of the department is study on archival value, enterprise archives management, cultural research of archives, digital document management and construction practice of archival information platform.  

The energetic teachers of Department of Archival Science in Hubei University are with academic background of liberal arts, science and management. At present, there are15 full-time teachers among whom 4 are professors and 7 are associate professors. There are 6 teachers holding doctoral degree, and 1 director of experiment center. Theacademic leader is Qin Zhaogui who was awarded Young and middle-age expert with outstanding contributions of Hubei province, member of Disciplines Education Committee of National Ministry of Education, researcher and discipline evaluation expert of National Ministry of Education as well as the first group of senior experts of Specialty of Archives in Hubei province.  

The department has4laboratories of Modern archives management, archives protection technology, micrographics and photography, archives and literature arrangement. Thedepartment also has solid cooperation with Changjiang Archives, Dongfeng Motor Corporation, Industrial and Commercial Archives Center in Suzhou, Wuhan Archives and Personnel Exchange center of Hubei province etc. which becomes bases of internship and training for our students.  

Our teachers scientific researches focus on theoretical questions and  frontier technology of relationship between archive tradition and modernization, archives value and its realization, archives culture, enterprise archives and knowledge management, digital file management and archives information management system, archives information resource construction and information security control, archives collation and compilation of scientific celebrities, intellectual property law etc.. Taking full advantages of their theoretical researches and professional expertise, our teachers actively offer service to the construction of social economy and culture, therefore they have widespread social influence. Inthe last decade, Professor Qin Zhaogui was repeatedly invited by Commission (Bureau) of Science and Technology of National Defense and Ministry of Industry and Information Technology to be the evaluation expert of archives for achievements of national high-tech project. National related ministries, state-own enterprises and well-known private enterprises invited Professor Qin Zhaogui to give professional lectures and guidance. Professor Wang Yanming was invited by related departments of National Archives Bureau and state-own enterprises to give lectures and offer consultancy on digital file management. Associate Professor Fu Zhenggang offered active professional advice on digital file management and construction of archival information platform.  




Some teachers of Department of Archival Science (photo taken in 2017) 





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